Liu Ting
Liu Ting is in awe of ink painting like the "impermanence" of oriental culture. At one moment there will be a new birth, and the next moment it will come to a standstill. This uncontrollable uncertainty is like an unpredictable life. The more beautiful, the more impermanent. Liu Ting painted herself with the real soul of a girl. And they are silent and firm, they stare, they desire, the girl's appearance converges into a collection of their emotions, this is the superego. People can not only think about things given in the experience of art practice, but also understand themselves and move towards themselves.
Selected Exhibitions / Art Fairs:
West Bund Art & Design, Cub_ism_ Artspace, Shanghai/China, 2022
Solo exhibition "XIAO ZHANG", Cub_ism_ Artspace, Shanghai/China, 2022
"Blooming Ink Flowers: Ink Group Exhibition of 80s and 90s", hiart Space, Shenzhen/China, 2022
Solo exhibition "Dimly Visible", Long Museum, Shanghai/China, 2022
"Everyday Sphere", Cub_ism_ Artspace, Shanghai/China, 2021
"Ink Time", Young Generation of Ink Painters, Shenzhen/China, 2020
Solo exhibition "JUST RIGHT", Guangzhou September Gallery, Guangzhou/China, 2019
A Co-Exhibition of Chinese and American Artists, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York/United States, 2018
Takungart "When art is coming", Hong Kong Soho Yard Gallery, HK/China, 2018
Hi Art Festival, Long Museum, Shanghai/China, 2017
The 3rd "New Youth - Contemporary Art Promotion Program", Shanghai/China, 2017
Double solo exhibition, "Universal Gravitation", 798 Yidian Art Space, Beijing/China, 2016
"The 2nd "Icebreaker - Times - Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition", Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center, Shanghai Cloud Art Center, Beijing Water Cube E Art Museum, Xiamen/Shanghai/Beijing/China, 2016